In recognition of International Women’s Day, Neumann/Smith is celebrating the incredible achievements of women in the architecture field throughout history and in our firm. Famous names like Zaha Hadid, Norma Merrick Sklarek, and Lina Bo Bardi have become legendary for their pioneering designs, dedication to innovation, and progressivism. Their contributions to architecture over the years has made a lasting impact on both the industry and humanity as a whole.
In our firm, names like JoEllen, Sherry, and Kathy will continue to inspire us. Our range of professionals include architects, designers, specifications writers, and marketers driven to design a better world for current and future generations. In honor of these inspiring women, we encourage fellow industry members to join us in celebrating their successes – both past and present – so that they may serve as an example for generations that follow them. To showcase our female team members, we asked them to proudly share their advice and experience.
melissa armatis
“As a woman in the architecture and design industry, having a network of like-minded individuals has been invaluable. It has provided me with a support system to discuss the challenges and successes that I encounter on a daily basis. My aunt, who was an interior designer for General Motors, served as a role model for me. She went on to manage and oversee LEED certification for three global companies. Early in my career, I had the privilege of shadowing her, which gave me firsthand experience and exposure to navigating a male-dominated industry. Through this experience, I learned the importance of voicing my opinions and ideas. I realized that my unique perspective could have a significant impact on the industry. It is essential to have a voice and to be heard, especially in a field where women are underrepresented.”
sara sarkisian bell
“I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to work alongside supportive and collaborative colleagues, both men and women. This has resulted in the creation of positive and meaningful working environments, fostering strong relationships and mentorships. In any industry, it is crucial to have individuals to turn to for guidance and knowledge. For me, that person is our Director of Specifications, Dawn Peterson. I learn from her every day, striving to comprehend her skillset so that I can expand my own knowledge and ask more intelligent questions. Dawn’s presence in the office serves as a constant source of inspiration, motivating me to strive for excellence and continue learning.”
kathy buck
” One of the most valuable pieces of advice I have received in my career is to “be a smart architect”. As architects, we hold a significant responsibility in shaping the communities and experiences that people encounter in their daily lives. I have made it my mission to become the most well-informed and knowledgeable architect possible, and I believe that this dedication has been instrumental in my success.
It is crucial to respect the advice of others in the industry, learn from their mistakes, and challenge yourself to grow and improve. As I come to a close in my career, I hope to have inspired other architects and designers who are just starting out to do the same. Regardless of your chosen career path, I encourage you to strive for knowledge so you may become a trusted expert in your field. “
liz kempa
“I owe so much of what I know to all my mentors for sharing their knowledge with me. I firmly believe that working under skilled architects as an intern or apprentice can greatly influence your strengths and the type of architect you become. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working under some truly exceptional mentors, and their techniques and approaches are evident in my work today.
I am thrilled to have reached a point in my career where I can give back by mentoring staff of all levels. Having established my own reputation, knowledge, and style, I am eager to share my expertise with others. Mentoring is a rewarding experience that allows me to pass on the valuable lessons I have learned from my own mentors. It is an honor to be able to contribute to the growth and development of future architects.”
beverly hannah jones
“My advice to younger women starting their career in Architecture is t develop a long-term 10-year plan for your career. Be specific regarding the type, size and focus of firms that best align with your unique gifts and talents. Take the time to write down the best path for yourself in alignment with both your personal and professional goals. As you achieve milestones along the way, revise your plan for the next 5 to 10 years. The time will pass quickly, so be sure to revisit your plan often to stay on track. Be flexible as you live your life and be sure to enjoy the journey!”
sura daood
“Architecture is a timeless art that unites people across generations. Each project presents unique challenges and opportunities for growth and learning. As a woman in this field, it is crucial to embrace these challenges and leverage them to showcase your skills and expertise. I believe continuously expanding your knowledge and skills is key to success in any field, and especially in architecture.”